Monday 10 January 2011


Well Readers (or reader) I've been a very naughty blogger. I've left you all waiting there with baited breath, I know you could hardly sleep for wondering what I've been up to!! I do apologise. In my defence the concrete box has been a busy place recently, I don't do the multi-tasking thing as well as my gender is expected to. Writing quality blog posts such as this one requires quiet reflection you know!!

I've been sick!! Properly almost dead sick, with the plague!! The black death to be exact. It forced me to adjust my expectations for the festive season. We do that though, don't we? Elevate our expectations to levels where disappointment is the only probable outcome. All the preparation, the cleaning, decorating, cooking, and shopping, oh the shopping!! All that hard work means we expect it all to go perfectly, we always neglect to factor in the human element. The thing about it is, even though all the things I thought were important never got done, even if some of the many decorations stayed in their boxes, the floors never got washed, the dinner was missing some veg and an adventurous experiment of a starter as is tradition. Even if all those things seemed like Everests too high for me to climb with a head full of snot, the Christmas bit, the eating, laughing, watching the kids open pressies, pulling crackers, falling down full on the couch to watch rubbish TV, all carried on regardless.

I may have watched Christmas from behind the haze of plague-fuelled fever, but it was grand like, and sure what more would you want??

Anyway I have far more pressing things to discuss with you all so I imagine a further post may present itself tomorrow, or the next day, you know, to make up for it all!!


  1. I love that you tagged 'plague' as a label ;)

  2. He he, I think plague has become synonymous with Christmas in the concrete box at this stage!!
