Tuesday 14 December 2010

But Muuuum, I'm Bored!!!.....

Monkey boy is spinning around and around, he's been doing it for about half an hour now, intermittent falling down from dizziness allowed. It makes him perfectly happy (well, he is 2) as does stamping his feet, shouting nonsense, pointing and other seemingly simple things.

It got me thinking about entertainment. We seem to need it more and more, and more and more of it. Ipads, iPods, iEverything, X-Box, everything seems to be preceded by a letter, and we need it all!! Right?? Well no, not for anything life sustaining, like breathing, but I think a little dependence is creeping in here and there. I couldn't manage without my digital + on the tv now, even though I've only had it a few months. I like having permission to get up and pee whenever suits without having to wait until the ads come on, no jigs being danced in my living room any more.

I've had a little hint that I might be getting one of those smartarse phones for Christmas. You know, the ones that get you up in the morning with a nice cup of tea and tell you you're the fairest of them all. There's an app for that right?? I do need a new phone, mine gets the hump with my friends and hangs up on them on a regular basis. It also has an odd habit of dropping half of my text message and adding another bit it found somewhere in an old text I wrote. It doesn't tell me about this change, it just sends off this Frankenstein's monster of a message to some poor unfortunate who has to work out what the hell I'm talking about and if I really need them to pick up some marmalade at the zoo next Tuesday!!

I don't know if I really need a phone that's a camera, mp3 player, browser, facebooking, tea making machine, but I bloody want one!! If even just for the pinching photos thing!! Any amount of pointless apps, silly games and constant(er) contact with the unsuspecting outside world will soon be mine!!! While I wait I guess I may as well do some spinning around with my son. Entertain me!!!!!!


  1. They sell marmalade at the zoo? Yuck.

  2. So I'm told, can you pick some up for me next Tuesday??
