Wednesday 11 May 2011

Our Story

They meet in a cloud of smoke. Rock music belting out, straining to hear each other's names. Introductions, handshakes and smiles. Then off again. More distraction.

Weeks later, walking, herself and a friend. They see them on the other side of the road, too far to call. The new boys. Her friend unsure, likes neither much. Wild, she likes the dangerous one, broody dark eyes pull her in.

A nod and a smile as they pass. Months later, she's bagged Dark Eyes, they meet again. In his room this time. Small talk, chit chat, slowly comfort sets in. They're in love, her and Dark eyes, so he's told. He watches, not sure what it is he sees.

Comfort develops into friendship. He makes her laugh, they share a beer, poverty stricken. Rationing cigarettes between them. Dancing to the same songs. She can really talk to him, he listens, he doesn't say much, but that's just his way. She becomes protective of him. Advising him about girls, none are good enough. Dark eyes is still hers, or at least she is his. His eyes are not his only dark feature.

She has a baby girl, he doesn't judge her, not even secretly, he is alone in that. She's young, so is Dark eyes. He visits her in hospital, her baby is sick, she's upset, he makes her laugh, the only one who can. Dark eyes begins to object, he pushes them apart. She misses him but stays away to keep the peace.

Friends, only ever friends, but so close. She begins to see him in a new light. Tanned, muscular, rippling abs, glossy hair, leather jeans, soft brown eyes, so kind but shining with mischief. He still makes her laugh, Dark eyes only ever makes her cry.

A break-up, a messy, nasty one. Her heart shattered. Her friend takes her out, buys her a rose on the way. He's in the bar, head hanging, eyes stung, not shining. Dumped by the latest girl. Hot, they had agreed, amazing ass, but vacuous she thought, and shallow, even if she hadn't shared that. Best without her really. He's crestfallen. She gives him the rose and a little kiss, it'll be ok. They dance. Every weekend from then on they dance. He strokes her hair, holds her tight, smiles with his eyes. Still friends. Why, everyone wonders.

He's living with friends but unhappy. Spending more time in her flat that his. Watching movies, staying up all night, chatting, laughing. Months pass. A stolen kiss here and there but no more. She realises she's in love again, but really this time. She tries to keep it in check. They talk about it, he's afraid, their friendship is precious he argues.

A few weeks later, sitting in her flat, an ad break, their eyes meet. They kiss. Long and soft. The doorbell an interruption, his lift is here. Moment stolen. As he leaves he turns "Be my girlfriend?" "Sure" she grins, her heart exploding in her chest.

A week locked away together. Getting to know new facets of each other. They need a night out. Another cloud of smoke, straining to hear one another again. "Hey" he says, turning to her. "What?" she replies, distractedly, expecting him to ask for a smoke. "I love you". She reciprocates without skipping a beat.

A decade passes. They sit together in the evenings, husband and wife now. They still watch movies, still chat. He still makes her laugh. They dance, arms wrapped around each other, in the kitchen. Their children pushing in to dance with them.