Monday 15 November 2010


I get hangovers akin to the Black Death in severity, at least!! They leave me with a shaky icky feeling for days afterwards. It doesn't actually matter how many beers I have, I'll still feel yuck the next day, even after one or two. Ah well, in for a penny in for a pound says I, quickly knocking back as many I can muster, which was probably only about 6, but I'm not so good at mustering beer!!

It was the Concrete Box birthday weekend!! Myself and Monkey Boy (my 2 year old son, who will from now on be known as Monkey Boy, because of his uncanny resemblance to a tiny primate!!) have birthdays a week apart so it seemed apt to combine them into a sort of two-fer. 

Accurate representation

A mountain of sandwiches and a lot of house polishing later and a party was born. Best friend (a) or Delia for short, provided an array of baked goodies, some of which I have squirrelled away for laters!! Best friend (b), in no particular order, or Snappy for short (I'll most likely change these later) took photos of it all, which I managed to avoid being in, for the most part.

I always find the mix entertaining, my family and Hubby's family are so very different. The kiddies all busied themselves with spinning round, roaring and other such activities. The adults (Now when I say adults I mean the proper grown-ups, not me like!!) after some obligatory gossiping, settled on Strictly come dancing. Mum and parents-in-law (I don't normally refer to them as The Outlaws, I swear!!) having natters about all the celebrities, Dad paying it all no attention what-so-ever, and 'Holy Aunt' looking on and tutting periodically at the skimpy outfits.

Of course eventually the groups at each extreme of the age range went off for their evening naps leaving us 'Young people' to gradually reduce a mountain of beer into a mountain of recycling.

While it still feels like hurricane George may well be hiding in my stomach, I truly believe nights like that are worth every bit of a hangover. I am honestly blessed to have such a fantastic, if slightly clinically insane, bunch in my family. To top it all off to have somehow, in my lifetime, gathered the most incredible, if slightly clinically insane, people to have as my very own dear friends is just luck of lotto win proportions. We initiated a new member into the group this weekend, I hope we didn't scare the crap out of him too much!! 

(Photo was yoinked from


  1. I'm sure the new member of the group enjoyed the evening's festivities greatly!

  2. Well, as long as we didn't frighten him off with egg sambos and Rockband ;)

  3. 'a mountain of beer into a mountain of recycling' - like

  4. Nonsense, he learned all sorts of new songs to regale the folks with at Christmas. They're going to love his interpretation of System Of A Down.

  5. Thanks Shiny, it's true you know, I knew we got that 2nd green bin for a reason - Beer!! :)

  6. Ha ha Radge, I can just imagine :) It makes a great alarm though, don't knock it til you've tried it!!
